Fine Art Children’s Portrait Photography
Group Workshop
(available both in English / 日本語 )
Upcoming Workshop Schedule :
国際アワード受賞の写真家、Emma Satoから学ぶ、自然光を利用したポートレート作成
1日目:午前10時30分から午後4時 (夏季は撮影時間変更の可能性あり)
- 優れた写真を作るための必須要素
- どのレンズを選ぶか
- 自然光の利用方法
- 実際に子供モデルを撮影し、マニュアル設定での感動的なポートレート作成
- 撮影者のビジョンに合う色彩修正から細部に至る写真編集の流れ
- 出席者自身で撮影した写真の編集機会、またそれに伴う質疑応答あり
参加費:96,000円 /人
最大参加人数:4人 昼食込み
このワークショップは初心者向けではありません。ISO、シャッタースピード、絞りに関する基本的な知識が必要です。ノートパソコンを持参し、LightroomまたはPhotoshopをインストールする必要があります。 LightroomとPhotoshopの両方を使って自分の画像を編集する方法を紹介します。
Learn from international award winning child photographer, Emma Sato, how to create an emotive portrait under natural light.
In this small group of intensive 2 day workshop, I will cover the followings
1st day: 10:30 am to 4pm (shooting time subjective to change during summer)
- essential elements to make outstanding photographs
- which lens to choose and how to benefit most from it
- how to use natural light to your advantage
- we will photograph a child model and I will teach you from how to style to shooting in manual settings and help you create an emotive and timeless portrait
2nd day: 10:30 am to 4pm
- we will go through the shots that we took
- I will explain my editing workflow based on the photographs from the workshop, I will show you how to transform the images to suit your vision from color toning to editing details
- attendees will also have a chance to edit their own images with me, and I will answer any questions they might have
JPY 96,000
Maximum no. of attendee: 4 persons
Includes lunch
This workshop is not for beginners, you will need basic understanding of ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. You also need to have either Lightroom or Photoshop on your laptop. I will show you how to edit my images using both Lightroom and Photoshop.